Pelican vs Storm vs SKB. Which case do you choose?

Short answer with all things considered we choose: SKB Cases

logo[2]Long Answer to understand the short answer:

Currently the top 3 case manufacturers are Pelican, Storm & SKB. Well… Kind of. Lets clarify a few things first by going back in time a few years.

Pelican was the innovator of waterproof cases. They were the first to market & by far the largest case company in the word. Most industries recognize the Pelican brand & for good reason. Their cases Pelican-Logo[1]are some of the best money can buy. Storm cases on the other hand (once owned by a company called Hardigg) was #2 & SKB was still an unknown brand. As time past & competition grew more fierce between Pelican & Hardigg a change occurred. Pelican bought Hardigg & therefore inherited their Storm cases. They chose to keep the Storm line & sell them as “Pelican Storm Cases.” That’s why Storm cases are priced almost exactly the same as Pelican cases.

Pelican-Storm-Logo[1]After the Hardigg acquisition by Pelican they raised prices on both the Storm line & Pelican line likely because there was no competition. They owned the market. By raising prices however they opened an opportunity for smaller waterproof case companies to enter the market. That’s when SKB started to lead the pack. They created cases which had the same features & lifetime warranty as Pelican yet they offered the cases at a more affordable price. Although the SKB case brand is not as recognized as Pelican the quality is still on par. In essence by purchasing SKB you’re buying quality & a lifetime warranty, but not the “Pelican” name brand.

Therefore, all things being equal I would choose a SKB case as it gives you the best value for your money.